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The Hive Development
Nurses growing nurses
The Hive Development is invested in the development and growth of nurses and midwives to become the best they can be and succeed beyond what they think is possible, building the nursing leaders of the future.
We offer customized development programs and specialised mentoring services that enable nurses and midwives to enhance their skills in all aspects of career development, including recruitment preparation and leadership skills to empower them to progress to the next stage of their career.

Muireann Wynne
Lisa Lucas

Grow your vision

Have you ever wished you could have someone in your corner, helping you the whole way through your career, keeping you accountable and invested in your development?  Well we're here for you!  The Hive Development is invested in the future of nursing and the careers of nurses and midwives.  We help nurses grow to reach the levels in their career that they aspire to, helping to build the nursing leaders of the future. 

What you will gain from working with us

Invest in your future with The Hive Development!
Our comprehensive guidance will equip you with the critical skills to advance your nursing career and excel in your desired roles. Our programs cater to all nursing levels, from undergraduates embarking on their professional journey to nursing leaders aspiring to make a positive impact on the healthcare system.


"Thank you for helping me grow!"



"My career has developed to a grade 7 level as a direct result of the support you have given me!"



"Thank you both so much for your time and valuable feedback! I truly appreciate it!"



We'd love to hear from you

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